As PI (Principal Investigator)

WIRED – Women In Research and higher EDucation

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, G.A. 898507 – financed by the European Commission under the program Horizon 2020 University of Lausanne, April 2021-September 2023 (30 months).

Notwithstanding women’s advance in academia, they still face systematic disadvantage in recruitment and promotion. Against this background, the WIRED project investigates gender inequalities in academic careers with a specific focus on early phases and so on the probability to obtain a tenure-track position, by focusing on two different contexts: Italy and Switzerland. Methodologically-wise, WIRED is based on a two-steps approach. The first part of the research is based on observational longitudinal data on the Italian academic population and two Swiss organizations. The second part will includes a quasi-experimental approach based on a vignette-survey conducted in targeted institutions in the two countries.

As co-PI

Integrating Gender in Precision Medicine: Innovative Social, Professional and Research Practices.

Science and Technology Studies – financed by Fondazione Cariplo, GA. 2019-3283, April 2020 – September 2023. PI: Susanna Chiocca – IEO-CCN (European Institute of Oncology Foundation - leading organization) Co-PI: Camilla Gaiaschi – University of Milan (partner organization), GENDERS research center.

What are the obstacles preventing the adoption of a gender approach in medicine? How to promote it within research and health-care organizations? Based on a participatory action research, it includes two intersecting research fields: a meta-analysis on three cancer types (colon, head and neck, melanoma) led by the IEO research team and a qualitative research field led by the GENDERS research team at the IEO foundation aimed at identifying the factors hindering and promoting the adoption of a gender perspective in research practice and clinical work. On this basis, a set of recommendation will be defined, together with the concerned stakeholders, to help bridge the identified gaps.

As member of the research team

STAGES - Structural Transformation to achieve Gender Equality in Science

Financed under the 7th Framework Program, 2011-2015 (GA: 289051). Leading organization: Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers. Among the partners: University of Milan – GENDERS research center.

Conceived as a structural change strategy, the project was based on rich action plan aimed at promoting women’s careers in research and academia. Within the plan, the research on medical careers from a gendered perspective was carried out by the University of Milan’s research team in five health-care organizations. As a PhD student, I was in charge of the research based on a survey on more than a thousand physicians and a qualitative case-study in a surgery department.